Hi, I’m Lynda.

I believe that each of us is guided by inner wisdom, and when we get out of the way, a life full of meaning and impact are available to each of us.

My clients are people who value connecting their heads and hearts. They pursue work that is deeply aligned with their values. They seek authenticity and alignment in their relationships and how they walk through the world. They innovate by integrating and bringing people and ideas together.

But sometimes, they get stuck in self-doubt, confusion, burnout, or fear. Does this sound like you?

This is where I come in. My calling is to clear the pathway for you living yours.

“Lynda is one of the most genuine and gifted people I have ever worked with. Massive changes in my life occurred. I was able to leave a work environment that was not in alignment with my personhood, create positive shifts in my relationships, and found the courage to follow my heart to a new city after fearing a move for years. My work with her led to concrete shifts that I can very clearly track. I am forever grateful for the way that Lynda provided the safety and container required for me to tap into my intuition, thus granting me access to my voice and POWER.”

— Nica S.



1:1 Mentorship

The power of being deeply witnessed, reflected, and supported is immense. My guidance accelerates your transformation by holding your biggest vision at the forefront and reconnecting you to the answers within to make it a reality.


Speaking & Events

Transformation gains momentum in community, which is why I am devoted to creating spaces of connection and inspiration. Let us build a world together grounded in shared values of authenticity, trust and courage.



I am a constant learner, and love to share my latest learning and thoughts through my blog. Follow along for the latest on following your intuition, leading with courage, and creating businesses and organizations that create a better world.

Hear From Clients

“I absolutely LOVE working with Lynda, she’s amazing. Her sessions include an incredible mix of intuitive guidance, laughter and badass business advice. She’s charismatic, passionate, brilliant, creative and REAL. I felt 100% comfortable talking to her and opening up about things I don’t normally talk about. She has a special gift for pulling out what was already inside of me and encouraging me to play big. Since our session together, I’ve doubled my income, my yes’s and no’s have gotten clearer and I feel like a powerhouse of a woman. Thank you so much!”

— Janette Casolary

Photographer & Facilitator

“In working with Lynda, I was able to discover sides of myself that I didn’t know existed. Her philosophy of guiding you to the answers that you already have within yourself makes the coaching journey exciting, exhilarating and inspiring. I was able to take the momentum I gained with Lynda and transfer it over into relationships, work, research, writing, and planning. I know that without Lynda’s coaching I would not have been able to shift my perspective in this manner and for that, I am forever grateful.”

Jeremy Pierro

Vice Principal and Doctoral Student

“Lynda has given me clarity, support, organization and inspiration to expand a business that was abundantly outpacing my ability to hold it all. She has handled those growing pains with ease and grace, and we are only just getting started. If you are looking for someone to design a bigger vision and help you sustain it, she is your woman.”

— Molly Knight Forde

The Awareness School and Mollyknightforde.com